Monday, November 21, 2011

The Twins Are Back

Overcast and gray day today.  We saw a Great Horned Owl fly off into the woods and followed him to a spot along the edge of the golf course.  I took a photo and then hooted to see what he would do and he got pissed off and flew back over by the hideout.  Bogey and I continued on our walk and circled back to the hideout about 30 minutes later.  There he was up in the tree next to the hideout where Bobby and I saw them last Christmas.  Took a couple more shots and then into the hideout.

Saw him fly off behind us and land up in a tree.  After about 10 minutes we left the hideout and headed over to where I saw him land.  There he was with his sister about 6-8 feet apart, just like when I first saw them back in May of 2010.

Still can't be sure they are the same ones, but, it would be cool if it was.

New & Improved

The Bald Eagle is back, beaver activity at Butler Lake is at a fever pitch getting ready for the winter freeze.  The new hideout makes me invisible to squirrels.  They have been eating all the bird food I set out each day and they are getting fat as hogs.  See the photo below of one of the fat little bastards.

Mergansers on the Meramec headed south and a very big GBH with dark blue wings.