Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23 Photos

When Pam & I got home from the movies (True Grit - worth the cost of admission) and pulled into the driveway about 9:45 I saw a silohuette of something up on the peak of the roof.  We went inside, grabbed a flashlight and saw a Barred Owl sitting up there checking things out.  He/she sat there while I got the camera and shot off a few photos.  The one with the red eyes is because of the flash.  I took out the red eye on the others so they would not look so spooky.

Fire Eyes
Barred Owl  (9:45 pm)


Today, we had about a 90 minute walk about in the woods.  It snowed the whole time we were out.  We walked out onto the golf course just for a change of pace.  Still a little chilly and windy, but, we saw some cool stuff.  The photos at the end of the male Cardinal and the Robins in the tree next to the church were taken by Pam.  She is becoming an able assistant.

 Sharing Breakfast

 What Are You Lookin' At???

American Kestrel (Sparrow Hawk) - female
(Crappy picture, but this was a close as I could get.  This bird is only about 12-14 inches tall)

 Bridge Over Quail Creek
 Open Field
 Snowy Detail
 Ready to Grill It Up?
 Snow Angels
 Pam's Cardinal
 Shy Cardinal
 Robin Flock
Robin Congregation

1 comment:

  1. Wow That Barred Owl is really neat. Lots of great pics. Your off to a great start with your new blog. It can be lots of fun.
