Monday, May 30, 2011

Bogey Woods & Victoria Glades - Memorial Day

Early Summer flowers are starting to pop out.  Hot weather should bring on the thistles and other summer foliage.  Took a hike today down at Victoria Glades.  The variety there is amazing.  Many species of flower are only found in this portion of the state.

 Hairy Buttercup
 Field of Beard-tongue
 Little Blue Heron
 Great White Egret
 Hairy Buttercup
 Prairie Parsley
 Heal All
 Tickseed Coreopsis
 Box Turtle
 Prairie Rose
 Glade Coneflower
 Daisy Fleabane
 Glade Coneflowers
 Missouri Evening Primrose
 Blue Phlox
 Heal All
 Indian Paintbrush
 Sandy Creek Covered Bridge
4-trunked Sycamore

Cancun 2011

12 days in the sun and surf.  Golf, food, drink, new friends, old friends, lots of fun.
New and interesting flora and fauna South of the border as well.
The wildlife and nightlife was very diverse.
